Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sales Joke of the Day (October 19) The Photocopier

When the office photo-copies began to look faint, the sales manager called in a local repair service. 

The friendly technician after inspecting the equipment, informed the sales manager that the machine was in need of a good cleaning. The tech suggested that someone might try reading the operator's manual and perform the job themselves, since it would cost $100.00, if he did the work. 

Pleasantly surprised by his candor, the sales manager asks, "Does your boss know you are discouraging business?" 

"Actually, my boss demands we explain this to all our customers.  After people try first to fix things themselves, we end-up making much more money on the additional repairs.”

Moral of the Story.   True Sales professionals know that in order to be successful at sales they need to cultivate repeat business over the long haul.  Never make the mistake of offering your prospects massive upfront discounts if they buy more product or services than they need right away.   Often times you'll end up leaving revenue on the table that would have been coming your way anyway.  Make sure that the only thing you're discounting isn't your future.  Margins come to those with patience.

"In everything truth surpasses the imitation and copy."     -     Marcus Tullius Cicero