A salesman sat down in a restaurant and ordered a bowl of hot
chili. But the waitress replied, "I'm sorry, the customer at the tale
next to you had the last bowl."
The salesman looked across the aisle to the other customer's table and noticed that he had left most of of his chili.
"Could I have that?" asked the salesman.
"Sure, help yourself," replied the other customer.
The salesman was starving and started to dig in to the chili as soon
as the waitress placed put it down on his table. Unfortunately half way
down, he discovered a mouse.
"Ugh!" the salesman exclaimed. "I've found a dead mouse in my chili!"
"Yeah, that's about as far as I got too," stated the other customer.
Moral of the story. True sales professionals know that in order to
succeed at sales you have to make the most of everything you receive.
Often, when taking over a territory you will receive second-hand
accounts and second-hand opportunities that other sales representatives
have already worked on. Rather than just diving in and trying to close
business right away, take a step back and review each opportunity for
yourself, that is the only way you can make sure that nothing is
"A lazy person, whatever the talents with which he set out, will
have condemned himself to second-hand thoughts and to second-rate
friends." - Cyril Connolly