Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sales Joke of the Day (November 21) Diamonds.

For weeks the salesman's wife had been hinting that she wanted something with plenty of diamonds for her birthday.   And the salesman had replied several times:   "Yes dear, diamonds.  Got it!"

That Saturday, with several of her friends and relatives over to celebrate her birthday, her special day, she was pleased to see that the gift from her husband was a small nicely wrapped box.   For the two hours before dinner, during dinner and through dessert, the salesman's wife confided to everyone but the salesman, that he had hinted to her that he was going to get her something with plenty of diamonds this year.

After dessert, the salesman's wife opened all the birthday presents from her friends and relatives.  She saved the gift from the salesman for last.  As she unwrapped her last present, her broad smile quickly turned to a bitter scowl.

The salesman had bought her a deck of playing cards.

From that moment on, the salesman would never forget it was no coincidence that each deck had 52 cards and each year had 52 weeks.   

Moral of the story.    True sales professionals know that in order to succeed at sales they must plan their work and work their plan.  Failure to look forward 52 weeks and plan out what you are going to do each year to be successful is just asking for trouble.   Just 'shuffling' from day-to-day doesn't "suit" the demands of a competitive market place.  You won't be able to win any big 'deals' by 'cutting' corners when it comes to planning.   So decide today to join the 'club' of successful sales professionals who have the 'heart' that it takes to dig in with their 'spade' and just do the work required to succeed.   For it's only those who choose to dig in, really dig in, who will be lucky enough to strike 'diamonds.'

"When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."        -  Peter Marshall