The college graduate was fully prepared for his interview with the
brokerage firm. His whole life, all he wanted to become was a stock
At the beginning of the interview, the sales manager asked him a
question about his extra curricular activities at university. The
graduate seized his opportunity to differentiate himself from the rest
of the pack, and spent the next ten minutes bragging on and on about his
school's championship run, his goal scoring prowess and his latest
successes in a local industrial soccer league.
The sales manager attempted to steer the interview back to the
graduate's job qualifications, so he asked, "So tell me about your
long-range goals?"
After thinking for a few seconds,but what seemed like a day or two,
the graduate replied, "Once I did manage to kick the ball in from
Moral of the story. True sales professionals know that when sitting
across from an executive decision maker, the conversation is NEVER about
you. It's about them. Discuss their needs, their wants, their
plans, their accomplishments. You are secondary. Show them you are
prepared by asking them about recent developments or news items about
their firm. Show them that you have done your homework about their firm
before you suggest how you and your skills might help them become more
successful. Only before the interviewer fully discloses exactly who
they are looking for, do you begin aligning yourself to uniquely fill
that position.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson