Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sales Joke of the Day (February 13) Thursday.

A young salesman found himself alone again close to Valentine's Day.   Determined to change things, he decided to sign up with a matchmaking service that guaranteed him a blind date before Valentine's Day.

That afternoon he received an email with instructions on where to go for dinner to meet his match.   So, at the specified time, the young salesman showed up at the restaurant with a dozen roses and made his way to the exact table as specified in the email.   Unfortunately, the young woman at the table was conspicuously ugly.  The young salesman thought for a moment, that he should just turn around and leave.  The matchmaking service did not provide either party with pictures or even names,  so she was "blind" to what he looked like and who he was.   But, he reasoned, it wouldn't be right to just leave her there alone.   So he made his way to the table.

When he got there, the young salesman asked, "Are you waiting here for a blind date?"

"Yes, I am," she replied.

"Well then these are for you," stated the young salesman as he handed her the roses.

"Thanks!" she exclaimed.   "I wasn't expecting, I , I, I've never received roses before!"  The salesman noticed a small tear well up in the corner of both of her eyes.

"I know that this dating service thing is little awkward, but can I ask you your name?" asked the salesman.

"Why of course," replied the young woman.   "My name is Thursday."

"That's an unusual name," countered the salesman.

"I know," asserted the young woman.  "My grandmother, who raised me,  told me that when I was born, my mom and  dad got their first look at me in the hospital, they turned to one another and said in unison, 'I think we better call it a day.' "

Moral of the story.   True sales professionals know that in order to succeed at sales, perseverance is key.  No matter how ugly a Thursday appears, just work through it.   It really isn't that bad.  Besides, with the weekend just around the corner you'll have plenty of time to unwind, recharge, put Thursday behind you and get ready for another week of opportunities.

"This must be Thursday.  I never could get the hang of Thursdays."    -  Douglas Adams

"I wish you a tolerable Thursday.  That's all any of us can hope for."    -  April Winchell