Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Sales Joke of the Day (archives) Repetition.

A salesman walked into his manager's office to chat first thing in the morning.   The sales manager decided to use this moment as an educational opportunity and proceeded to educate the salesman on effective sales technique.

"The main thing to remember is that repetition, repetition, repetition is the keynote!" he advised. "If you have a product to sell, keep harping on it in every possible way, cram it down people's throats and beat them over the head with it! Above all, don't ever forget to repeat and repeat and repeat! It's the only way to get results!" exclaimed the sales manager.

"Yes, sir!" the salesman answered, feigning enthusiasm the best he could.

"And now, what was it you came in to see me about?" the sales manager asked.

The salesman replied, "A Raise!  A Raise!  A Raise!  A Raise!  A Raise!  A Raise!  A Raise!"

Moral of the story.   True sales professionals know that in order to succeed at sales you need to master sales fundamentals.   One of these fundamentals is repetition.  True sales professionals know that in order to succeed at sales you need to master sales fundamentals.   One of these fundamentals is repetition.   But never overdo it.   Your prospects may begin to conclude that you have some sort of disorder and simply prefer to take their business elsewhere.   Oh, and when it comes to communicating with your sales manager, use email rather than a personal visit to their office.   That way you'll always have an archival record of your communications but more important, you'll never be subject to those impromptu educational opportunities.

"Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought."  
                                                                                                              -  Napoleon Hill