Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sales Joke of the Day (September 24) Bad Luck.

The salesman had a real zest for life, but he was beset by bad luck.  He loved poker, but poker did not love him.  He played the stock market, but always sold at the wrong time.  He invested heavily in property, just before the market crashed.  His first three wives all left him for close friends of his.

The one constant in his life was golf.  He wasn't much of a player.  Only occasionally did the salesman break 100.  But come rain or shine he was out there every weekend.  Then one day, he became very ill and died.  In accordance with his wishes, he was cremated and his ashes were to be scattered just off the fairway on the fifteenth hole of his local course.

A small gathering of friends turned up at the fifteenth to witness the ceremony.  It was a beautiful, sunny day but then just as the ashes were being strewn, a sudden gust of wind sprang up and blew the salesman's ashes out of bounds.

Moral of the story.  True sales professionals know that in order to be successful at sales you need to stay focused at all times.  You need to have plans and goals that you can work towards and achieve.   If you just sit back and let the wind take you where ever it pleases, you'll never end up in the green.

"Placing the ball in the best position for the next shot is eighty per cent of winning golf."
                                                                                                                - Ben Hogan